Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cultivation Theory Definition and Examples

Cultivation theory proposes that repeated exposure to media over time influences perceptions of social reality. Originated by George Gerbner in the 1960s, this theory is most frequently applied to television viewing and suggests that frequent television viewers’ perceptions of the real world become reflective of the most common messages advanced by fictional television. Key Takeaways: Cultivation Theory Cultivation theory suggests that repeated exposure to media influences beliefs about the real world over time.George Gerbner originated cultivation theory in the 1960s as part of a larger cultural indicators project.Cultivation theory has mostly been utilized in the study of television, but newer research has focused on other media as well. Cultivation Theory Definition and Origins When George Gerbner first proposed the idea of cultivation theory in 1969, it was in response to the tradition of media effects research, which was focused only on the short-term effects of media exposure that could be found in a lab experiment. As a result, effects research ignored the influence of long-term exposure to media. Such influence would happen gradually as people encounter media repeatedly over the course of their everyday lives. Gerbner proposed that over time, repeated exposure to media cultivated the belief that the messages conveyed by the media apply to the real world. As people’s perceptions are shaped by media exposure, their beliefs, values, and attitudes are shaped as well. When Gerbner originally conceived of cultivation theory, it was part of a broader â€Å"cultural indicators† project. The project pointed to three areas of analysis: institutional process analysis, which explored how media messages are formulated and distributed; message system analysis, which explored what those messages conveyed as a whole; and cultivation analysis, which explored how media messages impact the way the consumers of media messages perceive the real world. While all three components are linked, it is cultivation analysis that was and continues to be most widely researched by scholars. Gerbner’s studies were specifically dedicated to television’s impact on viewers. Gerbner believed that television was the dominant storytelling media in society. His focus on television rose out of several assumptions about the medium. Gerbner saw television as a resource for the most broadly shared messages and information in history. Even as channel options and delivery systems expanded, Gerbner insisted that the contents of television concentrated into a consistent set of messages.  He proposed that television restricts choice because, as a mass medium, television must appeal to large, diverse audiences. Thus, even as choices of programming proliferate, the pattern of messages remains the same. As a result, television will most likely cultivate similar perceptions of reality for very different people. As his assumptions about television indicate, Gerbner wasn’t interested in the impact of any one message or individual viewers’ perceptions of those messages. He wanted to understand how the broad pattern of television messages impact public knowledge and influence collective perceptions. Mean World Syndrome Gerbner’s original focus was on the influence of television violence on viewers. Media effects researchers often study the ways media violence impact aggressive behavior, but Gerbner and his colleagues had a different concern. They suggested that people who viewed a great deal of television became fearful of the world, believing that crime and victimization were rampant. Research showed that lighter television viewers were more trusting and saw the world as less selfish and dangerous than heavy television viewers. This phenomenon is called the â€Å"mean world syndrome.† Mainstreaming and Resonance As cultivation theory became more established, Gerbner and his colleagues refined it to better explain the influence of media by adding the ideas of mainstreaming and resonance in the 1970s. Mainstreaming happens when heavy television viewers who would otherwise hold very different views develop a homogenous view of the world. In other words, the attitudes of these divergent viewers all share a common, mainstream perspective that they cultivated through frequent exposure to the same television messages. Resonance occurs when a media message is especially noteworthy to an individual because it somehow coincides with a viewers’ lived experience. This provides a double dose of the message conveyed on television. For example, television messages about violence are likely to be especially resonant to an individual who lives in a city with a high crime rate.  Between the television message and the real-life crime rate, cultivation effects will be amplified, enhancing the belief that the world is a mean and scary place. Research While Gerbner focused his research on fictional television, more recently, scholars have expanded cultivation research into additional media, including video games, and different forms of television, like reality TV. In addition, the topics explored in cultivation research continue to expand. Studies have included the impact of media on perceptions of family, sex roles, sexuality, aging, mental health, the environment, science, minorities, and numerous other areas. For example, one recent study explored the way heavy viewers of the reality TV shows 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom perceive teenage parenthood. The researchers discovered that despite the shows’ creators belief that the programs would help prevent teen pregnancy, heavy viewers perceptions were very different. Heavy viewers of these shows believed that teenage mothers had â€Å"an enviable quality of life, a high income, and involved fathers.† Another study found that television cultivates materialism and, as a result, people who watch more TV are less concerned about the environment. Meanwhile, a third study found that general television viewing cultivated skepticism about science. However, because science is also sometimes portrayed as a cure-all on television, a competing perception of science as promising was also cultivated. These studies are just the tip of the iceberg. Cultivation continues to be a widely studied area for mass communication and media psychology researchers.   Critiques Despite the ongoing popularity of cultivation theory among researchers and the research evidence supporting the theory, cultivation has been criticized for several reasons. For instance, some media scholars take issue with cultivation because it treats media consumers as fundamentally passive. By focusing on the patterns of media messages instead of individual responses to those messages, cultivation ignores actual behavior. In addition, the cultivation research by Gerbner and his colleagues is criticized for looking at television in aggregate without any concern about differences between various genres or shows. This singular focus came from cultivations concern with the pattern of messages across television and not the individual messages of specific genres or shows. Nonetheless, recently some scholars have investigated the way specific genres influence heavy viewers. Sources Gerbner, George. â€Å"Cultivation Analysis: An Overview.† Mass Communication Society, vol. 1, no. 3-4, 1998, pp. 175-194., George. â€Å"Toward ‘Cultural Indicators’: The Analysis of Mass Mediated Public Message Systems. AV Communication Review, vol. 17, no. 2,1969, pp. 137-148., George, Larry Gross, Michael Morgan, and Nancy Signorielli. â€Å"The ‘Mainstreaming’ of America: Violence Profile No. 11.† Journal of Communication, vol. 30, no. 3, 1980, pp. 10-29., David. Psychology of the Media. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.Good, Jennifer. â€Å"Shop ‘til We Drop? Television, Materialism, and Attitudes About the Natural Environment.† Mass Communication Society, vol. 10, no. 3, 2007, pp. 365-383., Nicole and Robin E. Jense n. â€Å"The Relationship Between ‘Teen Mom’ Reality Programming and Teenagers’ Beliefs About Teen Parenthood.† Mass Communication Society, vol. 17, no. 6, 2014, pp. 830-852., Michael, and James Shanahan. â€Å"The State of Cultivation.† Journal of Broadcasting Electronic Media, vol. 54, no. 2, 2010, pp. 337-355., Matthew C., Dietram A. Scheufele, James Shanahan, Patricia Moy, Dominique Brossard, and Bruce V. Lewenstein. â€Å"Knowledge, Reservations, or Promise? A Media Effects Model for Public Perceptions of Science and Technology.† Communication Research, vol. 29, no. 5, 2002, pp. 584-608., W. James. Media Effects. Sage, 2012.Shrum, L. J. â€Å"Cultivation Theory: Effects and Underlying Processes.† The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects, edited by Patrick Rossler, Cynthia A. Hoff ner, and Liesbet van Zoonen. John Wiley Sons, 2017, pp. 1-12.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Obesity A Health Concern For A Lot Of People Essay

Introduction of Health Concern Overweight and obesity is a health concern for a lot of people in America especially African Americans. Obesity is more prevalent in the African American culture. In today’s society, there are a lot of African American children and teens that are obese due to the unhealthy foods they consume and lack of physical activity. This is a concern because overweight children are more likely to be obese as adults. Research suggest that the growing rate of childhood obesity is steadily increasing nationwide. The Surgeon General has called it the fastest-growing, most threatening disease in the USA today. Being overweight and obese is not just a cosmetic concern but these conditions can increases an individual’s chance for other health problems such as: hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, and/or breast, prostate, or colon cancers. Therefore, being overweight or obese affects a person’s quality of life. General Understanding of Audience The people chosen for this focus group were carefully and specifically recruited in order to receive authentic data or information. The participants consisted of 3 people that had similar but somewhat different views on obesity among African Americans. The first participants was a 41 year old, African American, female teacher. She struggles with obesity and has three sisters that struggle with obesity as well. The second participant was a 35 year old, African American femaleShow MoreRelatedObesity in America Essay1285 Words   |  6 Pagesa long time, obesity has been one of the notable health concerns that America has struggled with during the last five decades .Obesity as a health concern is not limited to America alone, it is a serious concern among other affluent societies like European countries. A considerable number of Americans spend a significant amount of money trying to lose weight. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

A Socio-Demographic Characteristics Free Essays

INTRODUCTION Demography is the scientific study of characteristics and dynamics pertaining to the human population. It is expanded to include education, income, the structure of the family unit, housing, race or ethnicity, and religion. The characteristics encompassed by this study include size, growth rate, density, vital statistics, and distribution of a specified population. We will write a custom essay sample on A Socio-Demographic Characteristics or any similar topic only for you Order Now People who study and record this information are referred to as demographers. Demographers must know both how to scientifically obtain information and how to interpret it relatively. Demography is widely used for various purposes and can encompass small, targeted populations or mass populations. Governments use demography for political observations, scientists use demography for research purposes, and businesses use demography for the purpose of advertising. In real estate, demography is employed to give clients an overview of specific neighborhoods. Statistical concepts essential to demography include birth and death rate, infant mortality rate, fertility rate, and life expectancy. These concepts can be further broken down into more specific data, such as the ratio of men to women and the life expectancy of each gender. A census helps provide much of this information, in addition to vital statistic records. In some studies, the demography of an area is expanded to include education, income, the structure of the family unit, housing, race or ethnicity, and religion. The information gathered and studied for a demographic overview of a population depends on the party utilizing the information. Advertising relies heavily on demography, since service and goods providers need specific information to reach the maximum number of potential customers in their target audience. Similarly, education relies on demography to help gather information to provide necessary governmental and local assistance. An example of large-scale demography is the collection of demographic information for an entire country. Such information might be used to determine a need for world assistance due to famine, disease, or other serious issues. Demography is an interesting science used to create statistics. Sociology, which is the study of society and social behavior, is an example of an independent area of study in which demography is frequently used. Economics is also a specific area of study employing the science of emography. Anyone can review basic information about the demography of the United States by reviewing the most recent US census. Moreover, this survey is important to know the Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Stakeholders of First Year Level in Caridad National High School. Objective of the study With our study getting on surveying the Socio-demographic Cha racteristics of the Stakeholders of First Year Level in Caridad National High School. School Year 2011-2012. This study is geared towards the attainment the following factors: a. Age is a period of human life. It is measured by years from birth, usually marked by a certain stage or degree of mental or physical development and involving legal responsibility and capacity. b. Gender is the sum of the structural and functional differences by which  the male and female are distinguished. c. Educational attainment is terms refer to the highest level of education that an individual has completed. d. Relationship of the students refers to the connection or association to the respondents whether the students is their son, daughter, relative and sister. e. Marital status the condition of being married or unmarried or single. . Occupation is a person’s usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living. g. Monthly income is a convertible and callable (usually after a call protection period) shares that pay a fixed monthly dividend. Scope and Limitation of the study The following factors were studied: age; gender; marital status; rela tionship of the students; educational attainment; occupation and monthly income of the respondents. METHODOLOGY A. Locale and Time of the study This survey was conducted and worked on January 7-8, 2012 in Caridad and Hilapnitan Baybay City Leyte. B. Population Stakeholders in the covered area by this survey or the respondents are stakeholders in First Year Level at Caridad National High School. C. Instrumentation The main instrument that we are using in this research was the questioner and secondary data as well. The questions include the following factors: age; gender; marital status; relationship of the students; educational attainment; occupation and monthly income of the respondents. D. Procedure in Gathering Data The researchers in gathering the data made a procedure by this way: a. First, is making and creating some questions about the biography and aspects of the respondents. . Second, is going to their respective houses to conduct direct one-on-one interview. While asking and questioning there must be a picture for evidence. c. Lastly, after accomplishing and completing the data, tabulated result is made as well as the chart. E. Data Analysis Using simple analysis, the data were consolidated and compiled according to age, gender, m arital status, relationship of the students, educational attainment, occupation and monthly income of the respondents. It is presented in tables and different kinds of graph or charts. Result and Discussion A. Age Distribution Age distribution,  also called Age Composition,  in population studies, the proportionate numbers of persons in successive age categories in a given population. Age distributions differ among countries mainly because of differences in the levels and trends of fertility. a period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually marked by a certain stage or degree of mental or physical development and involving legal responsibility and capacity. As you can see in the table or graph below, the age 41-45 has the highest number of age which is 25% or 33 respondents in all both male and female. And that was closely followed with 23% or 30 numbers of respondents who belongs of the age of 46-50. But there are equal in frequency as well as the percentage which is 20 or 15% and the age of that are 26-35 and 55-61 years old. While the lowest percentage of 2 which is 22-25 years old. Table 1: Frequency distribution by age of the respondents. Age| Frequency| Cumulative Frequency| Percentage (%)| 22-25| 2| 130| 2| 26-35| 20| 128| 15| 36-40| 25| 108| 19| 41-45| 33| 83| 25| 46-50| 30| 50| 23| 55-61| 20| 20| 15| Figure 1: Chart of age distribution of the respondents B. Gender Distribution Gender is a sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior, activities and attributes that a particular society considers appropriate for men and women. The table below contains the division of the male and female stakeholders in first year level. In our result, there are 69 numbers of respondents who are female and there percentage is 53%. For the stakeholders of a male there are only 61 and 47 percent. And so, it means that there are many stakeholders in first year level at Caridad National High School. Table 2: Frequency distribution by gender of the respondents. Gender| Frequency| Cumulative Frequency| Percentage (%)| Male| 61| 130| 47| Female| 69| 69| 53| Figure 2: Chart of gender distribution of the respondents C. Marital status Marital status is the condition of being married or unmarried. Marital status studied in combination with other factors also reveals a marriage gap. A person’s marital status indicates whether the person is married. Based on the result of the data regarding about their marital status, stakeholders who are married has 89% or 116 numbers of respondents and the unmarried parents are only 4. And a single mother or father is 10 only. Therefore, married stakeholders get the highest number in terms of marital status. Table 3: Frequency distribution by marital status of the respondents Marital Status| Frequency| Cumulative Frequency| Percentage (%)| Married| 116| 130| 89| Unmarried| 4| 14| 3| Single| 10| 10| 8| Figure 3: Chart of marital status of the respondents D. Relationship of the students A relationship is normally viewed as a connection between two individuals, such as a romantic or intimate relationship, or a parent–child relationship. Individuals can also have relationships with groups of people, such as the relation between a pastor and his congregation, an uncle and a family, or a mayor and a town. Out of the 130 respondents, 68 or 52% is their daughter and 57 or 44% is their son. And the relative is only 4, whereas their sister is only 1% or 1 number of students. It means that most of the stakeholders are their child is a girl. Table 4: Frequency distribution by relationship of the students to the respondents Relationship| Frequency| Cumulative Frequency| Percentage (%)| Son| 57| 130| 44| Daughter| 68| 73| 52| Relative| 4| 5| 3| Sister| 1| 1| 1| Figure 4: Chart of relationship of the students to the respondents E. Educational Attainment Distribution Educational attainment is a term commonly used by statisticians to refer to the highest degree of education an individual has completed. Educational attainment refers to the highest level of education that an individual has completed. As you can see in the table below, the highest level of educational attainment is high school graduate both male and female and followed by high school undergraduate. And in elementary undergraduate there are only 34 or 36% stakeholders. But in elementary graduate there are only 4 who graduated. In college level 10 of them are college undergraduate and 8 or 6% are college graduate. It means that there are only few stakeholders who graduated in college and also in elementary. Table 5: Frequency distribution by educational attainment with the respondents Educational Attainment| Frequency| Cumulative Frequency| Percentage (%)| Elementary Undergraduate| 34| 130| 26| Elementary Graduate| 4| 96| 3| High School Undergraduate| 35| 92| 27| High School Graduate| 39| 57| 30| College Undergraduate| 10| 18| 8| College Graduate| 8| 8| 6| Figure 5: Chart of educational attainment of the respondents F. Occupation Distribution Occupation an activity that serves as one’s regular source of livelihood; a vocation. An activity engaged in especially as a means of passing time; an avocation. A person’s usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living. Based on the result of the data regarding about their occupation there are only few have a serious job and there are many have not. In father’s occupation the highest percentage is 19 or 15% which is the farmer and in mother’s occupation are 50 or 38% who are housekeeper only. It means that there are few who earn a big and high salary a month. Monthly income is connected with occupation of the stakeholders, because salary depend only the occupation of the respondents. Table 6: Frequency distribution by occupation of the father. Occupation of the father| Frequency| Cumulative Frequency| Percentage (%)| Fisherman| 4| 61| 3| Farmer| 19| 57| 15| Housekeeper| 3| 38| 2| Security Guard| 1| 35| 1| Automotive| 2| 34| 2| Baker| 1| 32| 1| Driver| 4| 31| 3| Laborer| 1| 27| 1| Carpenter| 5| 36| 4| Factory worker| 5| 21| 4| Construction| 2| 16| 2| Machinist| 1| 14| 1| Scrap buyer| 1| 13| 1| Maintenance| 1| 12| 1| Caregiver| 1| 11| 1| Mechanic Expeller| 2| 10| 2| Business| 2| 8| 2| Barangay Police| 2| 6| 2| Banana vendor| 1| 4| 1| Barber| 1| 3| 1| Furniture Maker| 1| 2| 1| Welder| 1| 1| 1| Table 6. 1: Frequency distribution by occupation of the mother. Occupation of the mother| Frequency| Cumulative Frequency| Percentage (%)| Housekeeper| 50| 69| 38| Manicurist| 1| 19| 1| Teacher| 2| 18| 2| Barangay Health Workers| 1| 16| 1| Banana Vendor| 2| 15| 2| Cooker| 1| 13| 1| Factory Worker| 3| 12| 2| Laundry Woman| 3| 9| 2| Business| 2| 6| 2| Market Vendor| 1| 4| 1| Babysitter| 1| 3| 1| Maid| 1| 2| 1| Barangay Secretary| 1| 1| 1| Figure 5: Chart of occupation of the father Figure 5. 1: Chart of occupation of the mother G. Monthly income Distribution Monthly income is a solemn binding promise to do, give, or refrain from doing something: signed a pledge never to reveal the secret; a pledge of money to a charity. The table and graph below contains the monthly income of the respondents that is range from 1000-20000 pesos. The table and graph show that 1000-1500 has the highest number of families which is 26 numbers in all and 10000-20000 has the lowest number of families which is 2 percent. It means that many families earn low salary in a month and there are imperceptible families who earn high emolument. And this is because of their occupation. Table 7: Frequency distribution by monthly income with the respondents Monthly income| Frequency| Cumulative Frequency| Percentage (%)| 1000-1500| 26| 70| 20| 2000-2500| 11| 44| 8| 3000-3500| 7| 33| 5| 4000-4500| 5| 26| 4| 5000-5500| 7| 21| 5| 6000-6500| 3| 14| 2| 7000-7500| 4| 11| 3| 000-9000| 2| 7| 2| 10000-20000| 5| 5| 4| Figure 7: Chart of monthly income of the respondents SUMMARY Demography is the scientific study of characteristics and dynamics pertaining to the human population. It is expanded to include education, income, the structure of the family unit, housing, race or ethnicity, and religion. The characteristics encompassed by this study include si ze, growth rate, density, vital statistics, and distribution of a specified population. Based on the interview, stakeholders in First Year Level at Caridad National High School are aging 22-61 years old and the highest percentage is 41-45. In educational attainment, it suggests that most of the stakeholders are high school graduate. For their gender, it explains that there are many stakeholders are male and in marital status, married stakeholders get the highest frequency. For their monthly income, it tells that most of the families have only earned 1000-1500 pesos in a month and this income is not enough for the families need. For the relationship of the students, stakeholders are supporting their son. For the occupation distribution, many stakeholders have no permanent or serious job like farmer for the male and housekeeper for the female. When the occupation of the parents is not permanent, then their monthly income also is not permanent or their salary is low. CONCLUSION Based from the data gathered and after a thorough analysis, it was concluded that 41-45 is the highest age of respondents. In educational attainment high school undergraduate and high school graduate are the highest. For the monthly income, 1000-1500 is the highest percent. And farmer and housekeeper are the highest range for the occupation of the stakeholders RECOMMENDATION Throughout the whole survey, commitment, dedication and hard work are strongly recommended. Without the said words, the research is not possible. Knowing that in a team, a group of people does not necessarily agree and are likes with one another. Problems, obstacles, hindrance, and arguments are always present yet this should not outweigh the commitment, dedication and hard work that are present. Also, effort and time management is very important. Effort and time management should always be present since without it the time allotted for the survey might be put to waste, thus having problems, hindrance and obstacles in the later on. Reference * http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-demography. tm * http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/demography * http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/8904/age-distribution * http://www. thefreedictionary. com/marital+status * http://www. census. gov/hhes/socdemo/education/ * http://wiki. answers. com/Q/Occupation_distribution_of_India_in_various_sectors_-_primary_secondary_and_tertiary * http://www. answers. com/topic/demography * L ibres Jocelyn, Castro Arche, Santianez Marjorie, Bandialan Irene, Avila Ritchie, Moreno Jovanie (Socio Demographic Characteristics of students) * Webster’s Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus (2009) How to cite A Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Papers